In response to some e-mails about installing and/or upgrading rtpDir bridge from an old version. We do not have, and we will not include software that automatically installs or upgrades rtpDir from an old version. Installation or an upgrade will always be done mannualy. For a new installation, follow the steps in the README file. For an upgrade, execute the following 3 steps: (Where you see xxxx, replace it with the version you're currently running.) 1) Rename the directory where the current rtpDir installation resides. For Linux: mv /root/rtpDir /root/rtpDir_old_xxxx For Windows: rename C:/rtpDir C:/rtpDir_old_xxxx 2) Follow the steps in the README file for a new installation, except DO NOT install the Qt runtime package. 3) This last step is only for Windows You will move the 4 DLL files that represent the Qt runtime files for Windows. move C:/rtpDir_old_xxx/*.dll C:/rtpDir/ In this way, the user has complete control of the files that rtpDir uses and the user knows where those files are located. Starting with RtpDir v1.14, the last 3 versions will be posted at 73, de KI4LKF