Hi Scott, Here are some of my notes, if they are of any use, feel free to use them. If you have questions, or improvements, I'd be glad to hear of either. For an existing app_rpt install, this is basically one way to get a functioning rtpDir node running alongside of it. in your rtpDir config file (5198.conf is the default example), fill in the items as make sense. I am not going to go into all the details here, you will find many very good notes in the README file for the current version of rtpDir. I'm just going to give a some of what I have in my file that I think maybe are different than the defaults. I set up both an Echolink and IRLP node, so these are the items I filled in: # Echolink call={my echolink call} password={my registered echolink password} name={name to show to other stations} qth={QTH other stations see} email={your email} myIP= port=5198 soundCard=no insci=0 outsci=0 EL_login=yes busy=no bridge=yes maxStns=8 dispNumUsers=yes private=no EL_node={my echolink node#} linkMode=- #IRLP irlpEnable=yes myIRLP_IP= irlpPort=2074 irlpNode={my IRLP node stnXXXX} accessIRLP=yes localISPEAKERport=2174 #app_rpt astEnable=yes myAST_IP= localASTport=4570 remoteASTport=4670 ###### Change XXXX to match your local Asterisk/app_rpt node allowAST= astXXXX In your /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf file, add a new node (I used 1000) for rtpDir: [1000] rxchannel = rtpdir/ idrecording=|iYOURID tonezone = us callerid = "your ID"<1000> hangtime=0 althangtime=0 notelemtx=no linktolink=yes idtime=0 politeid=0 duplex=0 In your /etc/asterisk/extensions_rpt_custom.conf, add lines for your new extension. You should already have existing lines for your current node. I added these lines in these sections: [radio-secure] exten => 1000,1,rpt(1000) [radio-gui] exten => 1000,1,rpt(1000|X) I also added a few things so that my regular app_rpt node will autoconnect to the rtpDir node. If you don't connect, no audio will pass between the two systems. You could choose to do this so it happens upon system start, or you can ignore this and just manually connect to the node yourself. In my /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf I added: ; Under my regular app_rpt node [xxxx] startup_macro = *51# ; This name used here will depend on what you have defined as the ; set of functions for your node with functions={somename}: [{somename}] 5=macro,1 # Run specified macro 11=ilink,11 # Disconnect previously permanently connected link 13=ilink,13 # Permanently connect link - transcieve ; That defines commands *5 to run a macro, *13 to connect a node in transcieve and *11 to disconnect a node. [macro] 1 = *131000# ; This says to connect to node 1000 in transcieve mode as a permanent link... Now restart your asterisk software. Now, for the rtpDir installation, I chose to use Xvnc to provide an environment for it to run in that I can attach to easily from any VNC client and see the software already running with all it's up-to-date state information. I use 'vncserver' on CentOS 5. Note, the example assumes display 0 for Xvnc. If you already have a X11 server running and want this to run alongside of it, then change the references to 0 below to 1 (i.e. VNCSERVERS="1:root") Configure vncserver: # vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers (set these at the bottom) # displaynum:user_to_run_as VNCSERVERS="0:root" VNCSERVERARGS[0]="-geometry 1024x768 -nohttpd" Make sure it is set to run on startup: # chkconfig --list vncserver You should see: vncserver 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off If not, then run: # chkconfig vncserver on I have it set so that when the vncserver runs it will automatically start up rtpDir and an asterisk monitoring CLI window. To accomplish this, I put the following in my /root/.vnc/xstartup file: (I commented out these two lines which were in there on my system) # xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & # twm & # Start window manager -- I use icewm, you will have to install it or use # twm & as indicated above /usr/bin/icewm & # Xterm for commands /usr/bin/xterm & # rtpDir program (default was 5198.sh, I renamed mine to customize it) /root/rtpDir/5198.sh # Xterm for asterisk - 1021 wide by 160 high /usr/bin/xterm -geometry 167x12--1-28 -bg black -fg white -e /root/ rtpDir/asterisk_cmd & In the 5198.sh (the example startup) script, I call rtpDir as follows to get the right dimensions to fit the 1024x768 window like I want: nohup /root/rtpDir/rtpDir -geometry 1021x525+0+22 -display /root/rtpDir/5198.conf /root/rtpDir/5198.log & Also, COMMENT OUT THE sleep, ispeaker and imike lines in this script since they are only for IRLP to gain control of your radio interface, we use app_rpt to do that and imike/ispeaker serve no other purpose. My script in /root/rtpDir/asterisk_cmd is just to attempt to start an asterisk command session attached to the main asterisk daemon, but since it may not be running when X11 starts, I have it in a wait loop. My simple script is is as follows: #!/bin/bash while true do /usr/bin/xterm -geometry 167x12--1-28 -bg black -fg white -e asterisk -c -r sleep 5 done